Teenage Turkeys
Less than 3% of all turkeys are raised on pasture. Our three acres of poultry pastures give our birds each over 600 square feet per bird, a huge difference from the industry standard of 3 to 4 square feet per bird.
They in turn, fertilize our fields and give us rich compost to grow fruits and vegetables. Our birds are outside once feathered, routinely moved to fresh pasture, and provided both rain and sun shelter. They are feed locally milled feed, which fills my van with the aroma of fresh baked bread.
We offer both BROAD BREASTED TURKEYS and HERITAGE TURKEYS and our exclusive BOUJEE TURKEYS. Statistically only 25,000 Heritage Turkeys are produced each year compare to the 200,000,000 Broad Breasted Turkeys.
Boujee Turkey is our unique cross between heritage and broad-breasted turkeys. This rare breed offers a larger size and richer flavor, perfected over the last two years.
Broad Breasted Turkey grow quick and dress out heavier and have a great turkey flavor. Our Broad Breasted Turkey poults come from one of America's oldest Hatcheries located in the Pacific Northwest.
Heritage Turkeys are smaller is size but offer a richer leaner flavor. Our Heritage Turkeys were hatched on our ranch this spring. In 1997, The Livestock Conservancy considered Heritage Turkeys were considered "the most critically endangered of all domestic animals, finding that 1,500 total breeding birds in the United States. The best ways to help the Heritage populations are to join in the advocacy, to raise Heritage Turkeys if you have farming space, and to purchase Heritage Turkeys for your meals if you cannot raise them.
We do not give antibiotics to healthy birds but will treat a sick animals is the most humane way to raise meat. Forbidding all antibiotics means suffering of the animal, spread of disease, and euthanasia of sick animals before the other livestock can contract the illness.
All of our poultry is raised without added hormones. It has actually never been legal to give poultry hormones to increase size. Selective breeding is the primary method used to increase size of poultry.
Our White Hollands are a larger Heritage Bird who are very curious.
Broad Breasted Turkeys are the same type you will find commercially in the grocery store. We love to spoil them on our pastures.
We have successfully crossed our Broad Breasted with out Heritage Turkeys.
One way we utilize our grass pastures is to move the around with poultry fences.
We use Turkey and Chicken tractors to move our birds around the pastures. These are perfect for the juvenile stages.
For more information about Heritage Turkey Conservancy
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